Health Care
Clare Lodge takes a positive approach to each young person's health including general surveillance, health care assessments, monitoring developmental progress and the treatment of illness and accidents, including:
- We employ our own Looked After Children's Nurse
- A general practitioner is available to the service to provide primary health care services
- An optician also attends as and when required
- Staff are trained in administering first aid and will do so if minor problems arise
Similarly, visits to specialist hospital out-patients are arranged and facilitated as required.
Clare Lodge plays an active role in promoting all aspects of each young people's health including education on issues such as alcohol, substance abuse, drug use, sex, relationships education, health and AIDS/HIV. Young people also have access to psychological and psychiatric input as required. Staff keep parents and those with parental responsibility informed at all times of changes in each young person's health.
Clare Lodge is unique in working in partnership with CPFT. Through this arrangement the service has access to a consultant psychiatrist, clinical psychologist and assistant psychologist and drug and alcohol nurse. The role includes providing assessments and therapeutic input in accordance with need, clinical supervision, and input into staff learning and support strategies including the development of integrated and seamless care, the development / administering of screening tools, key work programmes, anger management, and relaxation.
A Senior Substance Misuse Practitioner Nurse provides an assessment and counselling service for young people. Other specialist counsellors also attend the service and work individually or with groups of young people on sexual health and relationship issues.